% This is the initial file to begin % calls functions and functions within teh function to perform FRET Efficiency measuremnts % Before using this code, make sure to edit the code to change the variable names accordingly, so that Matlab read the files without throwing an error. % unmixed images were used - variable names for us to read are - Turquoise, Venus, and DRAQ5 prompt={'How many folder to reslice'}; %enter how many folders to analyze name='number'; numlines=1; def={'imagename','31','76'}; answer=inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines); num=str2double(answer); % loops for the number of folders you specified and read the directory inofrmation of each selected folder for i=1:num if i == 1 dir=uigetdir; else dirp1=uigetdir; dir=[dir,'@$',dirp1]; end end dir_array=strsplit(dir,'@$'); [alg,scale,threshold,iterations,steps,reduc,frequencyX,frequencyY,frequencyZ]=fret_rescaling_reslicing_colormap_ui; % further FRET calculations are performed on one folder (data set) after the other for j=1:num parent_directory=cell2mat(dir_array(j)); frrcf(parent_directory,alg,scale,threshold,iterations,steps,reduc,frequencyX,frequencyY,frequencyZ); end