
Mission, Vision, Goals, and Measures of Success

Image of Physician Assistant Studies student in lab


The mission of the University of South Alabama Physician Assistant (PA) Studies Program is to educate compassionate and competent individuals from diverse backgrounds to become highly qualified physician assistants in accordance with the highest professional standards to provide a broad spectrum of preventative and curative healthcare to patients in various communities and clinical settings with physician supervision including underserved populations in Alabama both rural and urban. The emphasis of the program is one of primary care, including a broad foundation in the medical and surgical specialties.


The Physician Assistant Studies program curriculum is closely related to the goals of the University of South Alabama as well as to the degree. The program fosters an environment that promotes the acquisition and application of culturally sensitive, patient-oriented clinical knowledge and skills to produce a diverse workforce of primary care physician assistants who practice medicine with competence, professionalism, and compassion driven by academic excellence and a spirit of service to the community.

Goals and Measures of Success

The goals of the PA program are to:

Emphasize in rural and medically underserved communities. 

Criteria # 1 – Student Participation and Community Service and Medically Underserved Communities
Measure/ Benchmark:
  1. Student/Community Service / 70% out of 100% per cohort
  2. Graduate Exit Survey (Student Community Service Involvement) />3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
Criteria # 2 - Student Participation in a Rural Clinical Rotation
  1. Rural SCPE Participation / 100% out of 100% per cohort


Measure Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Student/Community Service 100% 100% 100% 100%
Graduate Exit Survey (Student Community Service Involvement) 3.4 /5 4.2/5 4.3/5  
Rural SCPE Participation 100% 100% 100%  


Promote excellence in healthcare by preparing competent physician assistants to practice evidence-based medicine in all clinical settings

Criteria # 1 – Evidence-based medicine
Measure/ Benchmark:
  1. Preceptor Eval of Student (evidence-based medicine) />3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  2. Graduate Exit Survey (Preparation in EBM) />3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  3. Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in EBM) />3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  4. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in EBM) />3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort


Measure Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Preceptor Eval of Student (Practice EBM) 4.7/5 4.6/5 4.6/5  
Graduate Exit Survey (Preparation in EBM) 4.5/5 4.4/5 4.6/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in EBM) No data No data No data 4.3/5
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in EBM) No data No data 4.8/5  


To recruit, select, and educate a highly qualified student body

Criteria #1 – Cumulative GPA and Science GPA

  1. Undergraduate cumulative GPAs/ >3.58 out of 4.0 average for cohort
  2. Undergraduate science GPAs/ >3.52 out of 4.0 average for cohort

Success of Goal

Criteria Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024 Cohort 2025
Average undergraduate cumulative GPA 3.68/4.0 3.63/4.0 3.66/4.0 3.65/4.0 3.77/4.0 
Average undergraduate science GPA 3.62/4.0 3.53/4.0 3.62/4.0 3.60/4.0 3.73/4.0


Prepare physician assistant students to provide patient-centered healthcare services as part of an inter-professional, collaborative team in a variety of clinical settings.

Criteria # 1 – Practice patient-centered medicine
Measure/ Benchmark:

  1. Preceptor Eval of Student (patient-centered medicine)/ >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  2. Graduate Exit Survey (Patient-centered care)/ >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  3. Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in Patient -centered care) / >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  4. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in Patient -centered care) / >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort


Measure Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Preceptor Eval of Student (patient-centered medicine) 4.9/5 4.8/5 4.7/5  
Graduate Exit Survey Preparation in (Patient -centered care) 4.7/5 4.6/5 4.7/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in Patient Centered Care) No data No data No data 4.4/5
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in Patient -centered care) No data No data 4.8/5  

Criteria # 2 – Interprofessional education
Measure/ Benchmark:

  1. Graduate Exit Survey (Preparation in interprofessional education)/ >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  2. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in interprofessional education)/ >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  3. Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in interprofessional education)/ >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort


Measure Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Graduate Exit Survey Preparation in (Preparation in Interprofessional education) 4.4/5 4.6/5 4.6/5  
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in Interprofessional Education) No data No data 4.6/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase Survey (Preparation in interprofessional education) No data No data No data 4.3/5


Charge physician assistant students to become graduates who reflect high standards of professionalism.

Criteria #1 – Professionalism of students

  1. Student Graduate Exit Survey (Preparation in Professionalism) >3.5/5.0 cohort average
  2. Preceptor Eval of Student (Preparation in Professionalism) >3.5 out of 5.0 per cohort
  3. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in Professionalism) >3.5/5.0 cohort average
  4. Student End of Didactic Phase Survey, (Preparation in Professionalism) >3.5/5.0 cohort average

Success of Goal

Criteria Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Student Graduate Exit Survey (Preparation in Professionalism) 4.4/5 4.1/5 4.3/5  
Preceptor Eval of Student (Preparation in Professionalism) 4.8/5 4.9/5 4.8/5  
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Preparation in Professionalism) No data No data 4.9/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase (Preparation in Professionalism) No data No data No data 4.6/5


Foster the growth and development of PA education by preparing physician assistant graduates who possess depth of knowledge and clinical skills for excellence in practice.

Criteria #1 – Medical knowledge of students

  1. Student Graduate Exit Survey (Student Preparation in medical knowledge) >3.5/5.0 cohort average
  2. Preceptor Eval of Students (medical knowledge) / >3.5/5.0 cohort average
  3. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Student Preparation in medical knowledge) >3.5/5.0 cohort average
  4. Student End of Didactic Phase (Preparation in medical knowledge) >3.5/5.0 cohort average

Success of Goal: 

Measure Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Student Graduate Exit Survey (Student Preparation in medical knowledge) 4.4/5 4.2/5 4.2/5  
Preceptor Eval of Students (medical knowledge) 4.8/5 4.7/5 4.8/5  
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Student Preparation in medical knowledge) No data No data 4.9/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase (Preparation in medical knowledge) No data No data No data 3.9/5

Criteria #2 – Clinical skills of students (Physical Exam)

  1. Student Graduate Exit Survey (Student Preparation in clinical skills) />3.5/5.0 cohort average
  2. Preceptor Eval of Students (Clinical skills) />3.5/5.0 cohort average
  3. Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Student Preparation in clinical skills) />3.5/5.0 cohort average
  4. Student End of Didactic Phase (Preparation in clinical skills) />3.5/5.0 cohort average

Success of Goal:

Criteria Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Student Graduate Exit Survey (Student Preparation in clinical skills) 4.4/5 4.4/5 4.6/5  
Preceptor Eval of Students (Clinical skills) 4.7/5 4.7/5 4.7/5  
Faculty Eval of Curriculum (Student Preparation in clinical skills) No data No data 5.0/5  
Student End of Didactic Phase (Preparation in clinical skills) No data No data No data 4.1/5


Promote in our physician assistant students the importance of ongoing professional development to meet and/or exceed contemporary performance standards within their area(s) of clinical practice. 

Criteria #1 – Professional Involvement of Students

  1. Student AAPA participation/>70%/100% cohort participation
  2. Participation in PA Organizations />3.5/5.0 cohort average


Success of Goal:

Criteria Cohort 2021 Cohort 2022 Cohort 2023 Cohort 2024
Student AAPA participation 100% 100% 100% 100%
Participation in PA Organizations 3.4/5 4.1/5 4.2/5