
Systems Protection and Exploitation (SPERG)



Weekly Research Meetings:

   Every Friday,

      10:00 AM – 11:00 PM,

   Shelby Hall,

   Room 2327

SPERG is a multidisciplinary research group of faculty and students with computing, engineering, and security focus. We are looking for stand-out graduate and undergraduate students who want to pursue research in the areas of software protection and exploitation such as software obfuscation, malware analysis, and intrusion detection. In addition to research, members work on publications and finding funding opportunities for students.

Our research group meets weekly and we discuss current research trends, ongoing research projects, and recent publications. Topics vary and include discussion of:

  • SW/ HW Reverse Engineering
  • Malware Analysis
  • Virtualization
  • FPGA/ASIC Security
  • Watermarking
  • Malware Detection
  • Digital Fingerprinting
  • Hardware Side Channels
  • HW Integrated Security
  • HW Based Malware/Vulnerabilities
  • Polymorphic Variation
  • Obfuscation
  • Process-Level Virtualization
  • SMART Grid Security
  • Intrusion / Anomaly Detection
  • Data Mining / Machine Learning
  • Secure Voting Protocols
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Physical Systems Security
  • Embedded Systems Protection